
5 products

Ethereal Love is incredibly refined and beautiful, almost too good to be true. I use a subtle shade of pink, to symbolize compassion, while the white hue embodies innocence.




Idea- When the concept for ethereal originated, I questioned my ability to accurately capture the precise look I had in mind. Despite making several studio tests, none of them truly reflected the essence of what I envisioned. Everything changed when I engaged in a practice session with two photographer friends. We experimented with different lighting arrangements, took turns posing for one another, and shared laughs exploring amusing ideas. It was within this relaxed and stress-free atmosphere that I ultimately discovered the ideal technical configuration for ethereal.


Model 3- In order to fulfill my artistic vision, I was in search of new poses and a unique identity to infuse into my images. This quest led me to seek out a new model for the project. Over the course of three weeks, I reached out to various individuals, but one person truly caught my attention with her outstanding portfolio and unwavering faith in the heart concept. After careful consideration, this exceptional individual was chosen, a customized heart mask was then crafted in just under two weeks.


Vision- With the heart mask on, he seamlessly morphed into a different character, capturing the very essence of a ethereal being. I focused on building a connection, guiding her through poses and offering feedback to enhance the performance, not easy as she could not see due to the mask. Regardless, our collaboration was seamless, with each frame capturing a moment of artistry, elegance and a true representation of my original concept.


Mist- I positioned a large softbox behind the model, ensuring the wrap-around light highlighted her features and created a flattering glow. To control the wrap-around light and achieve the ethereal look, I directed her to either go closer or move further away from the softbox. To control the dreamy effect on the bottom half of the picture im holding and moving a up or down according to her poses a 100x100mm square Mist filter in front of the lens. The final images beautifully captured the essence of our collaboration, blending professionalism, confidence, and creativity.


Photography is Art.